Prevention of gender-based violence in Victorian registered training organisations

A partnership between WHISE, WHE WHGNE and JSS The Men’s Project formed to develop and put a submission into WorkSafe Victoria for their Workwell Respect Fund. The fund aims to support large scale projects that design and deliver evidence-based initiatives within high-risk industries to prevent work related gendered violence including sexual harassment.

The submission – called Training for Respect – prevention of gender-based violence in Victorian Registered Training Organisations – was designed to target and working with Victorian Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) [education sector is identified as a risk sector by Worksafe] and develop solutions to ensure everything is done to create workplaces where everyone can thrive.

Recognising that workplace gendered violence is an OH&S issue this project develops and implements a sustainable primary prevention model, by also targeting the strategic and structural drivers of workplace gender violence – intersectional gender inequity.
Working in collaboration with the sector and centring lived experience , this project will build on evidence and leading practice ways of working and:

  • Build capability through a three-part sector-specific program comprising:
    • Online modules establishing the foundations of the Act, obligations, risks, hazards and, steps to prevent workplace gendered violence
    • In-person program to embed and deepen knowledge to develop accountability and behaviour change in RTO workplaces
    • In-person program for leaders and managers to embed practice skills to identify mitigate and eliminate workplace gendered violence
  • Produce an industry-wide campaign to promote agreed messages, including the value and impact on the industry, employees and students of eliminating workplace gendered violence


Training for Respect Project:

  • Progress and Achievements: The project successfully passed its probation mark and secured approval for completion. Key developments include drafting the prevalence survey rubric, recruitment strategy, E-Learning Modules, and the first module of face-to-face training.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Ongoing advocacy and meetings with key stakeholders across Vocational Education and Training (VET) have strengthened support for the project.