16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence is a global campaign dedicated to raising awareness about the impact of violence, particularly on women.

The campaign starts 25 November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) and concludes 10 December (Human Rights Day).

Working together on this annual campaign, the PVAW and Communications teams sought to take a collective approach with partners to raise awareness and strengthen efforts to prevent gender-based violence.

#16Days4Kids Focus: Building on discussions with the PRET partnership, the 2023 campaign focused on messages of respect for and from children and young people in the region. In partnership with key stakeholders and with the support of Respect Victoria, WHISE:

  • Illustration Project: Commissioned local illustrator Nea Valdivia to design colouring sheets for children and young people, promoting conversations about respect in schools, kindergartens, homes, and friendship groups.
  • Toolkit Distribution: Provided a toolkit with information and resources to assist organisations, councils, and individuals in preventing family violence and gender-based violence. The toolkit included tested lesson plans and resources for use with children and young people.
  • Social Media Campaign: Encouraged participants to share completed colouring sheets on social media to promote the campaign's message.

The toolkit was distributed across 10 local councils, including libraries and early learning centres. It was also picked up by an international development team in Vanuatu for their own 16 Days activities.

The PVAW Team also delivered Bystander Training to the community through partnerships with Frankston City Council and Mornington Peninsula Council.


Project: 16 Days of Activism

Net Social Benefit to Community $23,060

Benefit Cost Ratio 15.83

Social Impact as calculated through Australia for the delivery of 16 Days of Activism.
The values used in this cost benefit analysis have been derived using the wellbeing valuation method from data gathered through the HILDA (Household Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia) and Journeys Home Survey.